Signs of a Clogged Septic or Graywater Filter in Fairfield & Licking County, Ohio

Septic systems are a part of countless homes in Fairfield County, serving as a convenient way to eliminate household waste without having to open a drain down the street. The septic system consists of two main components the septic tank and the leach field.

A typical septic system has both a tank and a leach field. When sewage enters the tank, bacteria break down the solid waste into liquid waste called effluent. This effluent travels through underground pipes before being released into the soil below the ground.

The following are the signs of a clogged septic or graywater filter in Fairfield County, Ohio.

1. Sluggish drainage

Sewer lines typically carry wastewater away from your household’s drains and into the surrounding area. There should always be sufficient flow through that system throughout the year. However, too much buildup on the sewer line can restrict the flow of wastewater and prevent it from exiting properly. This causes sewage backups into basements and other areas around your house.

2. Gurgling Noises

You may hear gurgling sounds coming from anywhere within your house. You might think these noises come from a sink, toilet, faucet, etc., but they might come from your basement. These could indicate loose connections or leaks. It could also mean you must replace a part of your plumbing system. If it occurs frequently, check with an expert about what repair may be necessary.

3. High effluent levels in the septic tank

High effluent levels can signify that you need to clean your septic tank. If there are high levels, this may mean that solid waste is clogging up the septic tank. Rather than throwing it away or flushing it down the toilet, you could store it in a trash bag and throw it into your dumpster. This will allow the solid waste to decompose and turn into liquid so that your septic system works properly. There should always be an adequate amount of effluent running into your leach field, but if there is not, it could back up inside your home or basement.

4. Dirty septic filter

It is worth investigating if you have problems with any of your drains. Septic tanks are usually covered in a layer of cement, so it can be difficult to see if there are any issues. But if you are using an aerator on your toilet or have been removing that from other areas, you may notice an increase in drain odors. These smells will often come from sewer lines rather than around the home. An expert can identify which areas need attention and care for that problem.

5. Drainfield abnormally dry

A septic tank is a big container containing solids such as food waste, dead animals, and human waste. This process is called decomposition. When the solids in the septic tank are converted into a liquid, they expand and fill the entire container. These solids usually sit in the bottom of the system for years and years until someone notices that there is more material than can be made into a liquid by bacteria. If too much material is sitting in the bottom of your tank and it is not getting converted into liquid, it could be a sign that you have a clogged filter or septic tank.

Septic systems are an important part of each homeowner’s home and should not be ignored if they aren’t causing any problems. If you have been noticing issues with your septic tank or graywater filter, you may need to have them cleaned. A&A Excavating and Septic, LLC, has decades of experience assisting homeowners with septic system clogs. We welcome you to contact us today!